Neil Hadi
Managing Director Naef Commercial Knight Frank
Experienced and passionate professional, Neil has more than 15 years of experience in the real estate industry. Graduate in technic and law, he was previously Property Manager, CEO of a real estate merchant compagny and Head of Acquisition and Investment. He takes over the direction of Naef Commercial Knight Frank through our three poles of competence (Geneva, Vaud and Neuchâtel) with the mission to give scale and influence to this brand dedicated to investment and commercial real estate.
"I want to put my energy into the development of this brand, by working to create lasting alliances and quality partnerships", confirms Neil Hadi.Geneva / Neuchâtel / Vaud
Virginie galland
CEO Naef Immobilier
Virginie Galland joined Naef in 2012 in the Geneva property management department, then quickly took responsibility for a portfolio of customers after obtaining her Brevet fédéral de gérante d'immeubles. In 2017, she was appointed deputy manager of Naef Immobilier Genève's property management department, before becoming a member of general management in 2020. From July 1, 2023, she became CEO, overseeing the Group’s 9 agencies and key activities, namely property management, PPE administration and Virginie Galland, as CEO of Naef Immobilier, will be responsible for the core activities of the group : property management, condominium administration and all segments of brokerage (Naef, Naef Projets Neufs for all new developments, investment and commercial real estate and prime properties in partnership with Knight Frank).
Geneva / Neuchâtel / Vaud
Nos spécialistes sont à votre disposition pour toute demande ou conseil.